Life sciences debate goes to the next level
A conference organised by The Scotsman in Edinburgh proved an important forum for the debate about realising the manufacturing potential of the life sciences sector in Scotland.
Sponsored by Irvine Bay, this was the second year the event has taken place, with experts coming together from Government, industry and academia, to explore and discuss how Scotland's manaufacturing potential can be realised in the life sciences sector.
John Swinney, MSP and Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Economy, opened the debate, reminding delegates of the value of creating a more dynamic flow of collaboration between the different sectors.
Speakers at the event included Peter Williamson, lead for health and innovation at Scottish Government, Julia Brown, Senior Director, Life & Chemical Sciences, Scottish Enterprise, Clive Badman, Chairman of CMAC (Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation), Visiting Professor at University of Strathclyde & Head of Pre-Competitive Collaboration, GSK and Paul Hudman, Business development manager at Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC).
Case studies from industry included Ian Stevens, Chief Executive, Touch Bionics and Aidan Courtney, Chief Executive, Roslin Cells Limited who both spoke about how they had developed highly successful life sciences companies based in Scotland.
Patrick Wiggins. CEO at Irvine Bay, contributed at the conference as a speaker. His blog article, written immediately following the event, focuses on Building our world leading research into jobs and growth.
The Scotsman produced a full supplement focusing on the conference, and including discussion and highlights from the event. Read The Scotsman Supplement.
image: The Scotsman Publications Ltd