Main Street, Kilwinning

The refurbishment of Kilwinning Main Street has created renewed interest and activity in the centre of this North Ayrshire town.

New paving, seating, lighting and landscaping all contribute to making this a dynamic area that will attract new business, create jobs and increase visitor numbers.

Work to refurbish Kilwinning Main Street is complete and an official opening by Alex Neil MSP, Minister for Housing and Communities, took place on 21 October 2010. The redevelopment is one of the key development areas highlighted in the Kilwinning town centre regeneration plan.

In 2011 the project won the Public Realm/Landscaping category at the prestigious UK Roses Design Awards for architects and designers, and was also named as runner-up in the Investors in Education category at the Ayrshire Business Awards.

North Ayrshire Council and Land Engineering were key partners in this project.

Main Street transformation

The building work on the Main Street was carried out by Land Engineering between April 2009 and Autumn 2010.

The redevelopment of the Abbeygate area has made an attractive market square, which has already attracted a regular Farmers Market to the area.

Extending the project

Because the project was within the budget several additional pieces of work are being undertaken.

  • Young people from Kilwinning Academy are creating a tiling mural one of the tunnels connecting the street to the car park, with direction from a local artist
  • We sponsored a festive lighting programme, a great boost for pre-Christmas trading
  • Some permanent landscaping will be carried out at the Eastern end of town
  • Benefits for Kilwinning

Together these activities can encourage new retail businesses into the town, support new jobs and lead to the wider regeneration of the area. Pedestrian activity will be increased, and a safe and appealing environment created, to act as a catalyst for future investment.

Within a few months of the refurbishment 9 new businesses had opened their doors in the Main Street.

Many of the ideas for the town centre were developed through a project with pupils at Kilwinning Academy.

Other education projects are connecting with the refurbishment of the Main Street, including an artist led project to create tiling for a mural.

Employment and training

As part of the contract, Land Engineering provided 12 skills-based training positions with 312 weeks of training. 6 trainees took part during phase 1, with 3 of them now working on full-time contracts for Land Engineering. 6 further trainees are gaining work experience during phase 2. Training opportunties were also provided to pupils of Kilwinning Academy.

This is the first time that Irvine Bay Regeneration Company has built in targeted recruitment and training as part of the tender for a large contract.