Kilwinning Town Regeneration Plan

The vision for Kilwinning: an attractive location to live, learn, work, visit and invest in

The town regeneration plan for Kilwinning outlines a vision to make Kilwinning an attractive and successful town. The plan focuses on how to make better use of Kilwinning’s strong assets which include excellent transport links, key historic buildings and a recognised town centre with a college and core of independent shops. Our aim is to attract inward investment to Kilwinning, encourage business relocation in this North Ayrshire town and support the local economy.

With its strong sense of community and attractive setting Kilwinning is already experiencing growth with new housing around the edges of the town, which is located in an attractive part of Scotland. The plan builds on the past and present to show what can be achieved over the next 10 – 15 years as we make the most of the opportunities.

Work to revitalise the Kilwinning Main Street has brought major change to the town. The street was formally opened on 21 October 2010 and the refurbishment project has been winning awards. The town centre regeneration in Kilwinning is designed to:

  • increase pedestrian activity and footfall
  • improve access for all users
  • create a safer more appealing environment
  • encourage future investment and economic growth

Key partners were North Ayrshire Council, Local residents, Community groups, Local businesses